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Microsoft PowerPoint Reflection

This week’s module was neat in that I love PowerPoint. I was able to play around with things I haven’t had the freedom to in other classes. Being a very creative person means PowerPoint allows me to creatively present information to an audience.

The research presentation was a great way to dig into PowerPoint and see what it could do. During this module I explored varies methods of animating the images and text on a slide. In the past I have seen some very interesting things done with PowerPoint and I was able to try them, such as the little brain on the title slide. In the future I would like to look into using PowerPoint as an option to animate short videos. I have seen this done a few times and after looking at the animation options in more detail I can see how it is done.

The research portion also allowed me to look into something I was reading about in one of my other classes and wanted to see how it was done. As a future teacher I want to be able to engage my students and I found quite a bit of information that really helped.

Overall I am glad this module came when it did, I need something fun, relaxing, and educational to do this week. PowerPoint is a versatile tool that allows learning to come to life, I can see myself using this in the classroom and beyond.

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