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About Me

Who am I...


    Hello, my name is Ariana and I am 22 years old. I currently live in Texarkana TX. but I am originally from the Atlanta/ Queen City TX. area. I am the oldest of three, 1 girl 2 boys. We are all extremely close, and I cherish the privilege to have them in my life. My mom is a single parent, who has dedicated her life to helping us achieve our dreams. My life has been a blessed journey and I look forward to all it has in store.

    I am a sophomore, just short one class to be a junior, at A&M Texarkana and Texarkana College. My goal is to  purse a career in education. During my career, I would like to teach elementary and work towards a master, possibly a doctorate, so that I will be able to teach future teachers.


    My future is by no means laid in stone, however I do have a plan. Graduate and get a job, easier said than done. Afterwards I would like to move to a new state and hopefully start a family of my own. My hope is that when I look back on this time of my life see I have stayed true to who I am and where I have come from.



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