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Creative Writing

    I recently decided I would like to try creative writing. So, my brother invited me to join the TC Creative Writing Club and I have been enjoying it ever since. Below is a story I wrote at our Halloween meeting.

A Spud Can Dream

    I have been in this bowl for three months. Others have come and gone, yet the master has not chosen me.


   I dream of becoming a steaming pile of mashed goodness, smothered in thick brown gravy, or maybe a crisp stack of fresh hot slabs of deliciousness, being dunked in rich red ketchup. Master, why…?


   Wait, I see him! Yes, he is reaching for me!


   "Hmm, eyes have sprouted. My little spud, you are ready," the Master said.


   Oh, master, your hands are so soft… Wait, why do we leave the kitchen through the great white box? This is not the way to the cooking pots. I know—I have seen the others go before me.


   "You, my dear spud, shall make history,” the Master said.


   What will I become? Something shredded, perhaps, or chopped? Ouch! Master, why must you poke me in such a way?


   Ooh, master do not leave me! … Oh, is that the blender button? I have heard of this. Perhaps I shall be a smoothie. Oh, a lever. Maybe I will be sliced and made into a casserole?


   Ooh, pretty lights, how you dance from ball to ball. Oh, you are coming to me, Master. Turn from your board of buttons and see this marvelous show! Oh lights, you tickle me so. What is that sprouting from my eyes?


   "Legs, check. Arms, check. Six-pack… Well, a scientist can dream,” the Master said.


   Oh, lights, do not go!


   And with that, the spud leapt from the table and dashed after the sparks of electricity, bursting into flames and falling into a heap of ashes.


   "Note to self: try corn next time," said the Master.

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