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Applications software – designed to perform specific tasks for users, such as prepare a document, calculate numbers, make presentations, etc.

Browser or Web Browser – a means to connect to the internet.

Cell (Microsoft Excel) – a box in which information is entered. A1

Communication Process – the process by which a computer sends and receives digital signal from other communication devices.

Communication System – sends, receives and manages transmissions of data.

Custom software – program developed at a user’s request to perform specific tasks – e.g., software developed for making airline reservation.


Decrease Decimal Tool (Microsoft Excel) – used to show fewer decimal places in number data entered.

Dial-up Modem – The connection that utilizes a standard phone line to “dial” into the network.

Domain Name System (DNS) – maps text names to IP addresses automatically.

Educational Software or Computer-Assisted Instruction Software – a variety of software used by educators to create, store, and present; drill-and-practice, tutorials, simulations, problem-solving, and multimedia/authoring/processes.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – allows user to access remote computers and retrieve files from those computers.

Firewire – The connection that is Apple technology and is faster than the USB typically used with digital video equipment.

Formula Bar (Microsoft Excel) – it is used to enter and edit what is in the cell.

Freeware – software provided at no cost to user by an individual or company, e.g. Linux operating system.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – describe how the client and server will have their conversation.

The Internet – the world’s largest network. Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links together millions of businesses, governments, educational institutions, and individuals using communication media and devices such as dial-up access using modem, T1 lines, T3 lines, fiber optic cables, etc. The networks are interconnected so that they can share data and resources.

Internet Protocol (IP) address – the language that computers use to communicate over the internet.


LAN (Local Area Network) – a network that connects computers in a limited geographical area, such as a school laboratory, a business office, group of adjacent buildings.

Major Components of a Communication System – Computers, devices, and transmission media that send and receive data, communication channels over which data are sent and received, and communications software that manage the transmission process.

NAP (Network Access Point) – connects several high-level networks to each other.

Netiquette – the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.

Network Interface Card (NIC) – The connection that connects a computer to a computer network.

Operating Systems (OS) – consists of instructions that coordinate all of the activities of hardware devices, and that allow the user to run application software and interact with the computer in certain ways. Also contains the GUI.

Parallel Port – A connection that is commonly known as a printer port.

Point of Presence (POP) – For large communications companies, a place for local users to access the company's network, often through a local phone number or dedicated line.

PS/2 Port – The connection for the keyboard and mouse that is quickly being replaced by the USB port.

Public-Domain Software – free software that has been donated for public use and has no copyright restrictions.

Serial Port – a connection that is commonly known as a COM port and used by many large companies for peripherals such as handheld scanners.

Shareware – software distributed to users free for a trial period. User pay a small fee if they want to use software beyond trial period.

Smartphone - a cellphone and handheld computer combined into one.

Software Suite – contains individual software sold together for a price that is significantly less than buying the applications separately.

Sound Card – The connection that adds sound to your computer

Systems Software – programs that control the operations of a computer and its devices. It includes two types, Operating systems (OS) and Utility software.


Tablet PC – a general-purpose computer contained in a touchscreen panel.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – contains the domain name for a website.

Universal Serial Bus Port (USB) – The most widely used port on the computer connects to printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, joysticks, and many storage devices.

Utility Software – a type of program that performs a specific task, usually related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs.


Video Graphics Array Port (VGA) – The monitor port.

WAN (Wide Area Network) – a network that covers a larger geographical area, e.g., a school district’s network connecting several schools, social security offices throughout the nation, Bancorp South bank branches nationwide, etc.

Web 2.0 – the current state of the internet. It is not a new version, but rather an improvements made to the existing internet.

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