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Smart Devices and Web 2.0 Reflection

This was a thought provoking module. Looking into the history of things I use each day was insightful and made for a great afternoon of learning.

I have never really heard about web 2.0, so getting to read about it and learn what it really is was interesting. Prior to this module I have seen web 2.0 in various place but I have never looked it up, nor have I ever thought of the web as making major overhauls.

Learning about smart phones and tablets was actually more insightful than I thought it would be. I have owned both, ye never really looked into what they do and how they can be used. As I have done my observation I have seen more and more how they are used in the classroom, something I never saw when I was in school.

Lastly looking into the past and future of technology and the web is very interesting. I did not grow up with a lot of technology; however, the things I had I have seen evolve over the years. Things like my PlayStation, or my mom’s Sega Genesis were interesting to look up and see how they have transformed.

Overall this was a very interesting module. I love to learn new things about things I used to have or use. I would say that this topic is one I would like to explore further in my free time.

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